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Barnsley Beer Co

Est: 2002 Website:
Address: The Old Chapel, Doncaster Road, Barnsley, South Yorkshire, England, S71 5AY


All Beers By Barnsley Beer Co:
Ale Over bottle - yes 4.2
Barnsley Better bottle - yes 3.8Bitter
Barnsley Blonde bottle - yes 5.0Blonde
Bee By Gum bottle - yes 4.3Honey
Black Brite bottle - yes 4.5Stout
Bobby Dazzler bottle - yes 4.8Pale Ale
Clog Iron bottle - yes 4.3Mild
Coil Oil bottle - yes 3.9Porter
Get Thi Coit bottle - yes 4.0
Nutty Stack bottle - yes 4.4
Owd Tyke bottle - yes 4.6
Ronnie's Owd Cock bottle - yes 4.0Pale Ale
Shut Thi Gob bottle - yes 5.1Brown Ale

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