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Pictish Brewing Co Ltd

Est: 2000 Website:
Address: Unit 9 Canalside Industrial Estate, Woodbine Street East, Rochdale, Greater Manchester, England, OL16 5LB


All Beers By Pictish Brewing Co Ltd:
Agave Alecask - yes 4.6
Alchemists Alecask - yes 4.3
Blackcask - yes 4.4 Stout
Black Diamondcask - yes 3.5 Mild
Black Shivercask - yes 6.0 Stout
Blue Mooncask - yes 6.0 IPA
Brewers Goldcask - yes 3.8
Celtic Warriorcask - yes 4.2
Claymorecask - yes 4.5
Corn Dollycask - yes 5.0
Dolmencask - yes 4.0
El Diablocask - yes 4.5 Stout
Ginger Alecask - yes 3.9 Ginger
Honey Alecask - yes 4.3 Honey
Hoppy Christmascask - yes 5.5
Little Gemcask - yes 4.5
Maelstromcask - yes 5.0
Mandalacask - yes 4.7
Mistralcask - yes 5.2
Northern Dawncask - yes 4.3
Otters Bumcask - yes 3.7 Mild
Pale n' Oppycask - yes 4.8 Pale
Pictish Portercask - yes 4.4 Porter
Quetzalcoatlcask - yes 4.7
Rudolphs Rocketfuelcask - yes 7.3
Samhain Stoutcask - yes 5.0 Stout
Sirencask - yes 4.1 Wheat
Staddle Stonecask - yes 4.5
Summer Solsticecask - yes 4.7 Blonde
Troglodytecask - yes 4.5
Wheat Christmascask - yes 4.4 Wheat
White-Outcask - yes 6.0 Wheat
Winter Solsticecask - yes 4.7
Z-Rodcask - yes 4.8

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