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The Backyard Brewhouse

Est: 2008 Website:
Address: Unit 8A Gatehouse Trading Estate, Lichfield Road, Walsall, West Midlands, England, WS8 6JZ


All Beers By The Backyard Brewhouse:
Beadiceacask - yes 4.8 Honey Beer
Big Redcask - yes 4.5 Premium Bitter
Blondecask - yes 4.1 Blonde
D&B cask - yes 4.3 Porter
East Indiacask - yes 6.2 - bottle - yes 6.2IPA
G.B.cask - yes 4.0 Best Bitter
Georgecask - yes 4.0 Red Beer
Hell Boundcask - yes 5.4
Heriotcask - yes 0.0 - bottle - yes 0.0
Hobs Holecask - yes 4.2 Dark Mild
Kris Kringlecask - yes 4.3 Christmas Ale
Nipincask - yes 4.6 American Pale Ale
Onecask - yes 3.8 Best Bitter
Pendacask - yes 5.5 - bottle - yes 5.5
Pipincask - yes 4.8 Winter Ale
Shire Oakcask - yes 3.5
Sun Zingercask - yes 4.0
The Hoardcask - yes 3.9 - bottle - yes 3.9Golden Ale
Treasoncask - yes 4.6

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