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The Durham Brewery Ltd

Est: 1994 Website:
Address: Unit 5a Bowburn North Industrial Estate, Bowburn, Durham, County Durham, England, DH6 5PF


All Beers By The Durham Brewery Ltd:
A White Whoppercask - yes 3.7 Bitter
Apollocask - yes 4.0 Bitter
Bedes Chalice bottle - yes 9.0Tripel
Bees Kneescask - yes 4.4 Bitter
Benedictuscask - yes 8.4 - bottle - yes 8.4Barley Wine
Bishops Goldcask - yes 4.6 Bitter
Black Velvetcask - yes 4.0 Porter
Cats Whiskerscask - yes 4.5 Bitter
Cloister bottle - yes 4.5Bitter
Cuthbert's Crosscask - yes 4.7 Pale
Dark Secretcask - yes 4.3 Bitter
Definitivecask - yes 3.8 Bitter
Durham Countycask - yes 4.4 Bitter
Evensongcask - yes 5.0 - bottle - yes 5.0Bitter
Fallen Angel bottle - yes 5.0Lager
Frostbitecask - yes 3.6 Bitter
Genesiscask - yes 4.3 Bitter
Hopping Madcask - yes 4.7 IPA
Inspirationcask - yes 3.6 Bitter
Magnificatcask - yes 6.5 Bitter
Maguscask - yes 3.8 - bottle - yes 3.8Bitter
Nine Altarscask - yes 5.2 Mild
Old Viennacask - yes 5.0
On the Hopcask - yes 4.2 Bitter
Orang-a-tangcask - yes 3.9 Bitter
Priors Goldcask - yes 4.5 Bitter
Revelationcask - yes 4.1 Bitter
Sanctuarycask - yes 6.0 Bitter
Something Blue bottle - yes 10.0Old Ale
St Cuthbert bottle - yes 6.5IPA
Temptationcask - yes 10.0 - bottle - yes 10.0Stout
Three Lionscask - yes 4.2 lager
Vicecask - yes 4.6 Wheat
Viennese Maltzcask - yes 5.0
Wenceslascask - yes 5.0 lager
White Amarillocask - yes 4.1 Bitter
White Centennialcask - yes 4.4 Bitter
White Gemcask - yes 3.9 Bitter
White Goldcask - yes 4.0 Bitter
White Magic bottle - yes 7.0IPA
White Velvetcask - yes 4.2 Bitter

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