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The Flowerpots Brewery

Est: 2006 Website:
Address: Flowerpots Inn, Cheriton, Alresford, Hampshire, England, SO24 0QQ


All Beers By The Flowerpots Brewery:
2 Point 9cask - yes 2.9
Abbey Christmascask - yes 4.7
Autumn Blazecask - yes 5.1
Bartlett XLcask - yes 4.2
Bate's Best Bittercask - yes 4.6 Bitter
Bate's Better Bittercask - yes 4.2 Bitter
Bloomerscask - yes 4.0
Brandy Mount Barley Winecask - yes 8.2 Barley Wine
Cheerios Portercask - yes 4.2 Porter
Elder Alecask - yes 3.8
Flowerpots Bittercask - yes 3.8 Bitter
Flowerpots IPScask - yes 6.0 IPA
Four Candlescask - yes 3.5
Goodens Goldcask - yes 4.8 Bitter
Horton Palecask - yes 4.3 IPA
Jingle Juicecask - yes 6.1 Porter
Job Done cask - yes 5.3
Light Dutycask - yes 2.9 Bitter
Perridge Palecask - yes 3.6
Pots Blackcask - yes 3.2 Mild
Pridewood Potscask - yes 3.8
South Browncask - yes 4.2
Stormchaser cask - yes 4.2
Stottidge Stoutcask - yes 4.5 Stout
Terra Cottacask - yes 4.2 Bitter
Wheatearcask - yes 4.2
Wheatsheaf Bestcask - yes 4.2 Bitter
Whistle Blowercask - yes 5.2
Winchester Hog Mildcask - yes 4.5 Mild

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