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The Great Newsome Brewery Ltd

Est: 2007 Website:
Address: Great Newsome Farm, Winestead, Hull, East Riding of Yorkshire, England, HU12 0NR


All Beers By The Great Newsome Brewery Ltd:
Anniversary Alecask - yes 4.0 Bitter
Backendish Bittercask - yes 4.1 Bitter
English Pridecask - yes 3.7 Bitter
Finches Goldcask - yes 4.5 Bitter
Frothingham Bestcask - yes 4.3 - bottle - yes 4.3Bitter
Harvest's Goldcask - yes 4.7
Haymakers Tipplecask - yes 3.7
Hidden Holdernesscask - yes 4.0
Holderness Darkcask - yes 4.3 Mild
Jem's Stoutcask - yes 4.3 - bottle - yes 4.3Stout
Mad Harescask - yes 4.4 Bitter
Newsome Noelcask - yes 5.0
Ploughman's Pridecask - yes 4.2
Pricky Back Otchancask - yes 4.2 - bottle - yes 4.2Bitter
Roughing Rewardcask - yes 3.8
Ruby's Regardcask - yes 4.5
Sleck Dustcask - yes 3.8 - bottle - yes 3.8
Stone Creekcask - yes 4.4 IPA
Stoney Binkscask - yes 4.1 - bottle - yes 4.1
Wandering Wheatearcask - yes 4.2 Wheat
Yule Docask - yes 4.3

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