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The Ilkley Brewery Co Ltd

Est: 2009 Website:
Address: Unit 4 Lencia Industrial Estate, East Parade, Ilkley, West Yorkshire, England, LS29 8JP


All Beers By The Ilkley Brewery Co Ltd:
Black Summitcask - yes 5.0 IPA
Darwins Tipplecask - yes 4.7
Ilkley Bestcask - yes 4.0 - bottle - yes 4.0Bitter
Ilkley Blackcask - yes 3.7 - bottle - yes 3.7Mild
Ilkley Goldcask - yes 3.9 - bottle - yes 3.9
Ilkley Palecask - yes 4.2 - bottle - yes 4.2
Lotus IPAcask - yes 5.6 IPA
Mary Janecask - yes 3.5 - bottle - yes 3.5
Ruby Cascadecask - yes 3.8
Smoked Witchcask - yes 5.0
Stout Marycask - yes 4.5 Stout

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