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  • User Ratings:
  • 5 out of 6 from 2 Ratings
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Titanic - Cappuccino

cask - yes 4.5% Style:Coffee Stout Colour: unkown colour   

About Cappuccino:
Seasonal ale.

You can have the beer with the option of chocolate sprinkles.

User Comments:

somethingsimple     2012-05-25

Chocolate sprinkles were a bit much I thought, couldn't have more that one pint.

jaymz     2011-11-27

I went for the option of the added sprinkles, as the last beer of the night. It was a very interesting taste, it has a very strong smell that made me think at first that it was going to be overpowering but surprisingly wasn't. It also never lost its taste or got sickly but i did only have one pint i would like to have two or three in a row to see if it gets a bit much. Would definitely recommend to every one.

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